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Scrapping a UK car in Belgium


My car, RHD still with UK registration, has just died and would cost several thousand euros to repair. It's currently in a garage - do I have any other sensible options open to me rather the just to walk away from it? I presume the Belgian government has no scrappage scheme? Should I expect the garage to charge me to take it off my hands? Thanks.


Remember to send teh appriopriate part of teh V5 to teh DVLA. I did this when we first came to Belgium -- A demolition yard paid me for teh car for dismantling (not much - but better thna having to pay -- Ask at teh garage where it is - they are bound to know a demolition yard closish - you may have to pay a small amount if they collect. There was a scrapage scheme a while back -- Car had to be with current CT and credit against a new car - But I think it had to be Belgian registered

Nov 23, 2012 14:27