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searching for property by street name, not postcode


Dear xpats,
Do any of the property websites offer a facility to search by street name rather than post code? If they do, I'm missing it. It's annoying because it's not always apparent in which post code a particular road is situated.
Thanks in advance for any pointers.


None of the major property websites that I know: immoweb, Vlan etc allow a search by street name.
If you do know a certain street, best to google the street, find the commune and search using that.
Alternative is simply googling the street and adding 'a vendre/te koop', 'a louer/te huur' after it

Mar 11, 2015 08:20

It's actually quite unusual to see a street name on a property add. It seems to be because estate agencies are paranoid about other agencies nicking their trade.

Arguably the best way to find a property on a specific street is to go round looking for the "For Sale" signs.

You sometimes have luck writing a letter along the lines of "I am a private individual and I would be interested in your property should you be selling it." and dropping it through mailboxes. It's a long shot though.

Mar 11, 2015 13:26

J is correct. Finding properties by street name on any belgian immo site is an nonexistent functionality. So you're not missing the functionality, it simply doesn't exist!

Mar 12, 2015 20:12

jbmac has clearly not checked every Belgian immo site!
When we bought our house, the street name was included in the ad and it was just a matter of finding the company's board outside the individual house.
Only yesterday I checked the details of a neighbour's house which has just gone on the market. The agent's site includes both street name and house number.

Mar 12, 2015 22:04

Personally we found it quicker to drive and look for boards however not all properties carry them .

Mar 13, 2015 13:38

kaissestamper, the question is not, is the street name listed on a property on immo sites, but does the functionality exist to search by streets on an immo site.

Indeed, I can on immoweb, and find some properties that do have the whole address listed.

However, I cannot on immoweb, or for that matter any other immo site, and do a search by street name.

Given that you don't underestand what that means, let me explain.

I cannot go to immoweb and on a field enter a street name and then hit search. In other words, I cannot say, search all the listings currently available on Anspech Boulevard, for example.

However, I can do a search by post code 1000, and maybe some properties will have their streets listed on them. But again, i cannot start my search by inputting a street name and then doing a search.

Hope that makes more sense as to what OP was originally asking.

Mar 15, 2015 20:04

I haven't tried this so I don't know whether it will work or not, but I would suggest using Google Advanced Search (easily reached by Googling it funnily enough) where it is possible to specify precise words (e.g. Anspech) to be searched for within a specified site (such as Obviously it can only find listings where the street name is actually included in the listings, and it may prove useless if the street is, for example, rue grande, which occurs all over francophone Belgium, although adding the post code as an additional essential "word" may help.

Mar 15, 2015 21:15