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Security in Waterloo, Belgium


My husband and I are moving to Belgium soon. We have decided to rent a house in Waterloo. I expect to be home alone some days when my husband goes on business trips, or in some days house will be empty when we are both away. I have read about increasing burglaries in Belgium. Are home burglaries also a growing concern in Waterloo ? Is it safe walking alone in Waterloo streets and commuting alone by bus or train to and from Brussels ?

Appreciate inputs from Waterloo residents. Thanks!


Waterloo is one of the good place to live in Belgium (friendly people- relatively....)
There is a good train connectivity to Brussels ( 20 min- direct) and charleroi (35 min) and good for your husbdand ( 25 min drive to airport without traffic )
It is safe to walk to the train station...

Aug 21, 2015 08:07

Burglary is a concern in all the affluent communes surrounding Brussels. I have no idea if it's getting worse or not, but heaven knows it's been bad enough for years.

However, crimes against the person on the street are rare. By any reasonable measure, you are perfectly safe walking around in any of the surrounding communes and indeed most of Belgium.

Aug 21, 2015 09:42

Two things regarding burglaries in BE:

- check with your police station; my police station offers a service of checking your house from time to time when you are on holidays, a sort of supervision.
- put your valuables in a safety box in a bank; for ex. ING charges 60€/year for such a safety box.

I have a friend who used to live in Waterloo and whose house was burglared. Unfortunately, what was stolen remained stolen. The police was not very helpful...

Aug 21, 2015 10:13
Peter Forrest

Waterloo is very safe to walk around, and almost everything is nearby. You will want a home security system however, as burglaries are known to have happened. Three of our neighbours have reported them in the past, and we are in a cul-de-sac. Ditto what Blus said about asking the police to check in...they do that here. Enjoy.

Aug 21, 2015 11:06

Hello CCD Waterloo is a lovely place, lots of nice shops in the centre good supermarkets and some public transport. I dont live there but do pop up there on a regular basis. I have never ever seen anyone begging up there. It's very safe to walk about daytime as it's very well used by people. Some nice cafes and evening bars too that always seem popular. Never over crowded but often a bustle that's why I like it.
As far as burglaries, I have friends in other communes who know people who have been burgled. In one case a road where several expats were living in Tervueren was targeted over the summer. This was because thieves know that in summer many houses are empty for a long time when people travel home or go on extended vacations. My grind spotted two men lurking in her road in Overijse the police came after they broke into a house. Again during the summer when people aren't about so much.
If you are going away you can easily ask your local police to make extra patrols they can and will do so. I know this because my neighbour told me he does this and the other neighbour challenged two men at his home and it turn out they were plain clothes officers. They park an marked car there too.
Belgium is a safe country. I don't think crime rates are higher in Waterloo than other communes, from what I read and hear. Of course no where is ever totally safe. Be aware of your own safety when taking money out as you would do anywhere. Make sure to hide you pin code and put the money away quickly so people don't see what you have. Be aware if you go into Brussels there maybe pick pockets like any big city, it's common sense. Also if approached in your car by a woman clutching a map after you did your shopping, be aware she is distracting you whilst someone else tries to steal your wallet, that happen to another friend of mine. They did manage to take her wallet again they had watched her PIN number and took money out. That again wasn't in Waterloo. That kind of thing happens all over its not just here. It's just a case that not everyone is honest in the world. Not sure where you live now but I have to say Waterloo is a nice commune and hopefully you will be happy there.

Aug 21, 2015 11:45

Been living here for 3+ years. Often alone in the day and for periods of time when my partner is away on business and I have never felt remotely unsafe or vulnerable. I also walk lots and have never felt unsafe or seen any incidents in Waterloo. Not even seen any car rage incidents. Of course, like most places it has some slightly grubbier parts but even then I doubt you would have any bother! It's generally a friendly and laid-back kind of place. Not sure about burglaries, we haven't been and I am not aware of any neighbours that have been but like lots of Europe and indeed probably lots of countries, that sort of crime seems to be on the up! Have used the public transport often and never had any bother either. Belgium is by and large a fairly safe country to be honest.

Aug 21, 2015 16:30

I can't believe you actually need to ask this question - You've committed to live somewhere, and you clearly haven't a clue about the place.

And we haven't a clue about you either. If you're committed car-ies, or work in one of the many parts of Brussels that isn't going be easy to reach from Waterloo on public transport, the biggest threat to your safety is going to be to your mental health, as the traffic could drive you to suicide.

Aug 21, 2015 21:06

A while back there were gangs of English, Germans and French marauding through the countryside near Waterloo. The French gang was forced to flee and the area has been reasonably peaceful since. - With a couple of exceptions 14-18 and 40-44

Aug 21, 2015 21:52

""Not sure about burglaries, we haven't been and I am not aware of any neighbours that have been ""

Get down the pub and mention the subject of burglary. It's a bloody epidemic.

Aug 22, 2015 12:13

Do you know what MIKEK1300GT. I don't always find Belgium the easiest place to live. Sometimes it feels just a bit more difficult than it needs to be and I can bitch with the best when I have my moments.... but I am sick to the back teeth of your constant pathetic, negative comments about Belgium! You paint a picture like it's the worst place to live on the planet and it's certainly not. Get a bloody grip! If you live here then how about leaving? Life is too short!

J..... (I can't believe you actually need to ask this question - You've committed to live somewhere, and you clearly haven't a clue about the place)! What the f*ck is the matter with you? Are you really so pea brained that you can't comprehend the notion that unless someone has previously lived here, has friends or family here that it's impossible to know for sure. That is actually partly why this site is here! To help expats get friendly advice, some guidance and help. Not withstanding CCD asked for some input from Waterloo residents which you are not!

Why people feel the need to come on here and post stupid unhelpful comments when people are facing the stress and worry of moving to another country is beyond me!

Aug 22, 2015 18:31
