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Can anyone tell me what is the limit of the amount of tickets for cleaning lady
i can buy per year?.
Is it finite or does it depend on many things?
Currently i use 8xtickets per week but recently, they sent me a letter saying my limit for the year has arrived.
Also I was thinking of hiring a gardener in the new year, and paying him via sodexo tickets - but cannot figure out if that extra load of ticket purchasing will be possible now, though its for a gardener;

have phone them about it but still not clear


"they sent me a letter"
Who is "they"?
Ring 'em up and ask for an explanation.

"I was thinking"
Don't. Check the law. Gardening not allowed.

Nov 27, 2013 02:40

the limit of Sodexho cheques is 500 per person per year. So if you have another person living with you have them sign up for the service...
Gardening is not permitted.

Nov 27, 2013 12:31

I don't know whether it is exclusive to Flanders - the cheques are in Dutch on the front and 3 languages on the back - but I've had a succession of gardeners and, as I organise them via the official PWA office in the town where I live, I assume that it is both allowed and permitted.

Nov 27, 2013 19:51