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Solicitor/lawyer to draw up a will and Brexit


There was a recent topic on the subject of drawing up a will and J pointed out that recent changes in EU regulations meant that it was now possible for UK citizens living in Belgium to draw up a valid will under British rather than Belgian laws (although still subject to Belgian inheritance tax).
Brexit will change that situation, presumably within a couple of years, and a will drawn up under UK law would no longer be valid in Belgium. Since a will is, hopefully, intended for application sometime in the future, it rather looks as if it is a case of back to square one - i.e. Belgian inheritance laws will reign supreme for UK citizens.


"a will drawn up under UK law would no longer be valid in Belgium."
"Belgian inheritance laws will reign supreme for UK citizens."

I really have difficultly understanding why this is a surprise to people. You live in a different country, you have to apply by their laws. Just the same as if you moved to China, or the US, or France.

Go to a notaire and have them draw up a will.

Jun 28, 2016 11:45

No, Brexit will NOT change that situation.

The law says you can chose inheritance rules from your home country. It does not have to be another EU member state.

Jun 28, 2016 14:12