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"special" ID card v "normal" Belgian ID


Does anyone working in the EU institutions know whether the "special" ID card has any advantages over a "normal" Belgian ID card?



> hallmarks of a politician
If you'd actually met any senior politicians, you may be surprised to find out that they tend to be extremely intelligent, charismatic people who are quite capable of dealing with huge workloads and making very difficult decisions.

That's not a universal rule, some really are scumbags, but most of the ones who get to the top, at least in our "European democratic system" are amazing people capable of running a country.

Jan 22, 2015 15:07

RPPKN...You are indeed correct that many of the excesses of the gravy train have been trimmed, and oh boy, how overdue was that? But it still remains a gravy train. What I would like to see is more responsibility taken with tax payers funds and net salaries reflecting the work the work that they do. The commission does not need 2000 applicants to find the right person, 2000 because they get higher than average salary, pay virtually no tax, have what is usually a job for life and benefits coming out of their ears including tax free cars.

Jan 22, 2015 18:03

I'm from Ghana and im working here in Belgium, with special ID. Is it possible to travel with the Special ID to Ghana and back to Belgium without any problem? Just want to go for holiday.. Please advice...

Dec 5, 2015 08:33
