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St. Michel Secondary School..


Trying to figure out if St. Michel is the right fit for our son. Location wise it's perfect as we live only a few doors way. It seems that opinion is divided between those who love it, and those who despise it. I understand that the school has an approx. 50% kick out rate. Many disgruntled parents on social media claiming that its just an average school (after their kid gets the boot). Anyone with kids at St. Michel? What do you think? Thanks!


It depends entirely on your son. It's a good school, but it suits some kids more than others. There's certainly no harm in giving it a go and seeing if it works for you. You can always change later.

May 28, 2021 14:21

Your analysis ties in with what I have heard. One thing they apparently do is push kids into extra paid coaching.
If he is bright and totally bilingual try it.

May 28, 2021 19:00

Your analysis ties in with what I have heard. One thing they apparently do is push kids into extra paid coaching.
If he is bright and totally bilingual try it.

May 28, 2021 19:00

Seen from the Anglo prospective, the Belgian Educational System is quite old fashion. So if you look for cost reduction, it might be an option but, again, it is like everything: does a cheap item bring you more Value in any aspect of life? Seldom true.

Jan 11, 2022 16:46