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Storage space - moving apartment


I'm looking for storage space to keep the contents of a 2 bedroom apartment for a period of 6-12 months while I move to an apartment that i have not bought yet.

Location should be around Brussels but does not need to be too central, and I will not need access in the meantime - just leave the stuff and collect it once I move again.

Can anyone recommend a cheap option? Anything I am finding is coming in at 80-150e per month - could I find something for less than 50, taking into account it is just to leave the stuff there.


Storage is expensive here have you any colleagues who have attic or cellar space?

Jun 17, 2015 22:27

Can you give some indication of how much space you need - x cu metres.
And, if it's a case of just dropping it off and collecting it 6-12 months later, does it actually have to be around Brussels?

Jun 18, 2015 14:16

Kasseistampers questions I do second as for an average of a 2br apartment the given rates are excellent (we had an interim storage for a couple of years for m3 of 1 container = 200 EUR / month)

Think also about a secure and mostly about a dry place for your storage. It's nothing more than 'shi...' when your goods get wet thru rain or floods. Is insurance for these potential risks included in your quotes?

For a company we were using Shurgard at Wavre - much cheaper than all Brussels operations, with access 24/7.

good luck

Jun 19, 2015 14:34