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Study dentistry in Belgium



Can somebody suggest or know any dental school in Belgium where the course is taught in Engish? My wife has completed bachelors in dentistry from India and she wants to now further pursue her specialisation or masters here from Belgium. She speaks bit of French and has no knowledge of Dutch.

Any advice or help would be appreciated.

Kind regards,


nope because there isn't one. French or Dutch. In French, UCL, ULB or ULg.

Apr 23, 2013 10:02

You will probably get a definite answer from a local dentist. Without doubt many Dutch universities offer Masters degree courses in English but whether in dentistry I have no idea. However, in 20 years in Flanders, I've never met a medical professional who hasn't got excellent English even when dealing with medical technicalities and they must learn it somewhere!

Apr 23, 2013 11:39

The one and only masters concerned with dentistry and taught in English.

Apr 23, 2013 17:03