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Summer guinguettes at risk due to lack of Brussels government


Seasonal bars and restaurants that operate in Brussels' parks during the summer, known as "guinguettes", face an uncertain future as the outgoing regional government is unable to issue a new call for tenders.

“What we're talking about here is continuity, and the funding is there,” outgoing minister Alain Maron said. “Normally the question shouldn't even arise.”

The budget for the seven permitted seasonal guinguettes is €350,000, used mainly to pay for setting up and dismantling the infrastructure needed.

If the guinguettes are to open in time for summer a number of things must happen quickly. A call for candidates must be launched, the candidates must have enough time to submit applications, the government must have enough time to review and ultimately approve them, and town planning procedures such as the procurement of permits must take place.

“We have to do it now or it will be too late,” Maron said. “We're going to do everything we can to get them into the parks by the end of April, beginning of May, because it's a low-cost policy that keeps the parks going and creates jobs.

"We cannot hold hostage a policy that benefits the people of Brussels under the guise of a caretaker government.”

Brussels Environment is currently in discussions with the finance inspectorate and is trying to convince it to change its decision to forbid the process from moving forward until the new government is formed.

If that does not happen, the matter could be referred to the government and the outgoing executive could overrule the inspectors.

“It will then be up to all the parties to take a stand,” said Maron.

“So far at least, the government as a whole hasn't had a problem with the guinguettes, so I can't really imagine a government in office deciding to stop this policy.

"But I can't speak for my colleagues. In any case, for me, as environment minister, it's important that this policy should continue.”

Written by Helen Lyons