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Tax liabilitiy when you buy a house


We bought a house in 2011 and paid the tax required - about 15% of the price
If we sell the house and buy another (cheaper) one, what happens about tax? Do we have to pay again or what?
Thanks for any info

Emille B.

Laws differ in Flanders , Brussels and Wallonia , on this , so it is important to know where the house is situated, best is to ask a notary , they provide you with legally right advice.

Apr 5, 2013 12:14

IIf you are in Brussels:
If you have benefitted from the abattement (reduction of tax base for first property) you'll have to reimburse this if you do not live in the house for 5 years.
If you resell within two years, you can ask the reimbursement of taxes under some limited circumstances. has some info, but you should call your notary (with whom you did the purchase) he/she should be able to give a clear picture of your options.

Apr 5, 2013 13:17