Content by tag : zoo
A new lion killed a lioness in their joint enclosure at Bellewaerde theme park in West Flanders, reports VRT news.
Among the stars at Belgium’s prime tourist attraction Pairi Daiza, are its giant panda family.
Spring has sprung and so have the new arrivals at Belgium’s animal park Planckendael, near Mechelen.
For the first time in its history, Mechelen animal park Planckendael has announced the birth of two spotted hyenas.
One unfortunate consequence of the gale-force winds that swept across Belgium over the weekend was the fate of a rare black-billed stork at Pairi Daiza in Brugelette.
Antwerp Zoo has announced the arrival of a baby Malayan tapir. Mother Nakal gave birth to the baby earlier this month, and visitors can see him scampering around when they visit the zoo.
Antwerp Zoo's two hippopotamuses have tested positive for Covid-19. It is the first known case of the virus in a hippopotamus and only the 15th animal species in the world to test positive.
A woman with a season pass to Antwerp Zoo has been asked to stop spending so much time in front of the chimpanzee habitat.
The Brussels Capital-Region has official banned keeping marine mammals, which include seals, sea lions, whales and dolphins.