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Telenet / TV remote and volume control


Telenet : Zapping between channels, I notice sound level is not constant, whereas in the analog mode (i.e. when digicorder is off), all channels have the same sound volume. Do others find the same ? This means that volume has to be adjusted either on telenet remote (if not already full volume) or on the TV volume controller. Anyone with any solutions ?
Remote controls : it's frustating to have to use a remote controller for telenet digicorder and another for the TV (even though the digicorder remote has a "TV control" button, it does not control TV. Do others find the same ? any solutions ?
Thanks in advance.


It might be your TV set.
I have the same digicorder set-up and my digicorder remote only allows me to turn the sound on or off. I can press the 'go louder' control on the digicorder remote and the display in the corner of the screen goes up and down as you would expect but the volume stays constant; I can only change it with the TV remote. That said, although the volume from one channel to the next might vary slightly I have never noticed a big enough difference to need to change the settings.

Sep 24, 2012 17:28