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Ten gang members arrested on suspicion of attacking people walking in Cinquantenaire park

09:14 17/11/2023

The Brussels-Capital-Ixelles police zone, with the assistance of the neighbouring Montgomery zone, have arrested a gang that attacked pedestrians in Cinquantenaire park, report RTBF.

“Between the beginning of September and the end of October, the suspects committed several thefts by attacking the victims, often in groups,” according to a press release from the Brussels prosecutor’s office.

“The walkers were forced to hand over their valuables and had their bank cards stolen, which were later used to withdraw money. In addition, the victims were sometimes threatened with a knife to their throat, and others were punched in the face, resulting in incapacity for work," it continued.

Following complaints and after investigation, the two police zones were able to identify each of the suspects. “Once the entire gang was identified, several searches were carried out during the week of 6 November. During these searches, 10 suspects were arrested, both minors and adults.”

Five adults were placed under arrest warrant, while the five minors in the group were placed at the disposal of a youth judge. Four of them were placed in a youth detention centre, the last in an open youth facility.

“The investigation continues,” added the two police zones, “to determine whether the suspects were involved in previous acts.”


Written by The Bulletin