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Time for job hunt during notice period


Goodmorning - sorry to keep harping on this but have not been able to learn definitively what time (half day per week? day per months? whatever) that one is entitled to take off for job hunting after receiving notice.
If any of you knows exactly from experience, please share. I have struggled with the french sites and simply not fluent enough to find it.
Thank you.


From my personal experience, I have always been entitled to 2 half days per week or 1 full day. If you do not take it, you lose it. The day cannot be transferred to another week or recuperated later. They are obliged to pay this time off. But you should just go speak with your supervisor or HR and at the same time arrange which days you will take off. But any days you haven't taken so far will be lost. Good luck

Jun 8, 2013 14:29

Thanks so much, NFR. Very very very helpful!

Jun 9, 2013 11:43