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types of perm. resident cards--B, C, others?


Soon I have to renew my 5-year type B permanent residence card. I am non-EU and It's a type B card, says 'B. Certificat d'inscription au registre des entrangers' for Categorie de titre.

(I'm talking about my titre de sejour card here, not work permits which I don't need anymore)

Before the last 5 years, I had paper, shorter duration temporary stay cards, which I guess were type A. Then, after being here long enough, I was given a type B permanent residence card in 2009.

I've read about other categories---C, D, E, F....but don't clearly understand the difference between all of them, other than that some are for dependent family members (which I'm not).

A difference between B and C seems to be that with C you are 'removed from the foreigners' registry and placed on the national' registry' -- whatever that means exactly (I have a national registration number anyway and have for a long time, it's printed on my card also.)

My questions are: is there any advantage to having a C category perm residence card over a B? When I get my new 5 year card, will I be 'upgraded' from a B to a C without even requesting it? Or should I go out of my way to see if I can get a C type card?

I'm not quite clear on if there is any difference between a B and a C, and don't know if there's some advantage or not to 'being removed from the foreigners registry and put on the national registry'?

Has anyone else dealt with this? Or does anyone who's renewed their 1st 5-year card for a 2nd 5-year card know if it was automatically changed from B to C?

None of this makes a huge difference right now, but in 5 or 10 years if I try to get Belgian nationality, I'd hate to be told "oh, back in 2014 you should have changed your perm residency card from a B to a C' (if that's even possible, or indeed if the C has any advantage over the B--I don't quite understand 'removed from the foreigners registry and put on the national registry' and that's the only vague explanation of the difference my research has found!).


You don't get to choose what type you get. It depends on your nationality, employment status, and how long you've been here.

Dec 1, 2014 13:18

No it wont be converted to C automatically, that needs to be requested and it takes approx 5 months to convert from B to C.

There are few benefits of having a C type card, could be useful for some people depending on the commune you live in.

1. your file is moved from etranger (foreigners) section of the commune to the general population section, in few overcrowded communes (for e.g Brussels 1000) this can be a lifesaver, you have to wait for 6 hours in etranger section whereas you get your work done in 30 in general population section, so totally depends on where you live.

2. with C card its possible to live maximum 2 years outside belgium and still be considered as resident here with B type i think its max 3 months or may be 12 i am not sure.

There are no other benefits that i am aware of, may be there are more. But for sure there is no legal requirement of C card for citizenship application.

Dec 1, 2014 14:53

Hi, could anyone help me regarding below? Please....

1. With F card maximum how long one can stay outside of Belgium?
2. Is it possible to renew this F card from outside of belgium (from Belgium embassy,uk)?
3. If move to uk will this F card be still valid as a non eu family member or would be cancelled?

Jan 19, 2020 01:12