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UK bank account - how to be paid to Belgium



It seems virtually impossible to open up a UK business account if you are not resident in the UK. I seem now however to have found an online option (cashplus) that can accommodate me. The problem however seems to be that you can only do payments and transfers within the UK for this apparently. Any ideas on how I could transfer any funds from this account to Belgium and possibly vice versa. It comes with a MasterCard, is this an option?

Any answers gratefully appreciated


You need to be UK resident for cashplus, too.

Sep 30, 2015 12:57

Not if you have a UK Ltd :-)

Sep 30, 2015 13:02

Oh yes, so I see. However, it seems to be an odd sort of "bank", more of a credit card. Good luck.

Sep 30, 2015 13:10

having worked as a contractor coming from the UK, basically it's more or less impossible to open a bank account in Belgium without some kind of proof of "residence" abroad. Luckily I had a bill from Briitish Gas which satisfied the requirements.

Personnaly I kept my UK account, and also have a Swiss account, where they don't ask too many questions as long as you pay cash into the account on a

Oct 1, 2015 10:38

regular basis.

Oct 1, 2015 10:38
Paul McNally

Worth adding that CashPlus do not allow incoming payments from foreign bank accounts (no IBAN number is provided). If your clients are outside the UK, you could have difficulty being paid.

Oct 1, 2015 10:56

Thanks for all answers sofar. Basically the problem is just that I will be dealing with a UK based company that requires that I have a UK Bank account to deposit into. In short, it will all be UK based.

My problem is what do I do if I want to transfer money out of this account to Belgium or it will just be stuck in the UK. I don't like the idea of transferring the money to some UK friend, who then transfers it to my account. There must be a more professional way. This is my question.

Oct 1, 2015 11:16

I would think that the most professional way is to get the UK based company to pay the money into a Belgian account. It's not a problem for them as their bank will do all the business and any charges will be for you to pick up.
I have a pension from a previous UK employer and they dithered no end over how to pay it over here and wanted to charge me £8 a time but, when they spoke to their bank, it was no problem. They pay exactly the same amount as if I was in the UK; I'm sure that I don't get the best possible exchange rate but the money arrives in my Belgian bank every month.

Oct 1, 2015 16:39
Cirage 219

You maybe able to have the money sent to Currency fair they will then exchange it and forward to Belgium Bank. I recently moved some money from my Brother to a Belgium acc, and they are not expensive. My difficulty was ID

Oct 1, 2015 20:38

We transferred cash from a house sale via a currency agency, the solisitctor paid them, they paid us. All declared and legal. Do you have anyone in the UK whose address you can "adopt" maybe by warrant of a ulithily bill? The company was something like transfer wise. I'm not clear if the company your working with can pay them and they you. Might be worth looking at. This obviously has a small cost

Oct 2, 2015 21:30