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uncooperative neighbour


We have a problem with damp in an interior wall. This is an ajoining wall to an exterior wall of our neighbour. It is probable but , not certain, that the source of the problem is moisture/water trapped below our neighbour's decking.
I spoke to neighbour/owner who no longer lives in the property. about the issue two months ago. Since then I have tried to improve the look of our wall.
I now notice that the problem has returned and have no evidence of action by our neighbour.
Do I contact the Commune, send a recorded delivery letter to our neighbour, contact our Insurance company or all three?
All advice would be welcomed.
Thanks very much
Cheesed-off in Brussels


Did you contact your insurance compay. The fire covering should cover leaks of water damage inside your house. If it come from your neighbourgh his insurance has to pay and of course he'll have to fix the problem.

Sep 22, 2012 21:34