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unemployment benefit / chomage for married person


I am about to finish a contract at work, and have been informed that because i am married and not the 'head of household' (my husband earns a bit more than me) that i will only get 200eur/month in unemployment benefit? is this true?

the website that i found on unemployment benefit amounts suggested it would be a slightly reduced amount, but not much. (here - 



In practice if your partner has a job his/her income will effect your unemployement benefit in any case. However you will still get a percentage of your last salary, assuming that you fill the other conditions for the allowance (sufficient work history etc.):

From ONEM: "Les cohabitants perçoivent 60% de la dernière rémunération la première année de chômage. Les 3 mois suivants, les cohabitants perçoivent 40% de cette rémunération Cette période est prolongée de 3 mois par année de travail salarié. Par après, un cohabitant perçoit une allocation forfaitaire de 474,50 euros par mois."


Keep in mind that the allowance is capped, therefore the maximum amounts on the page you had linked yourself.

Oct 26, 2011 11:55