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Unemployment Question


In May I resigned from my job unexpectedly when a family member outside the EU needed urgent help. My company agreed and I left in June 1 . Now the family member is getting settled and we have been able to hire nurses and such. I want to return to Belgium. Is there any way I can get unemployment benefits until I find a new job? I am a Belgian citizen and the country I returned to to help my family. I found a job here while helping ym family and am afraid to leave for financial reasons, but want to rejoin my family in Belgium as well.


It depends on what th company agreed to. Normally, if you leave voluntarily, your options to unemployment are limited, and you would only get something through the means-tested CPAS.

However, frequently, in situations like this, the company will accept to make you redundant instead, in which case you will get Chomage if you have a long enough working record (just under 2 years)

Your best bet may well be to contact a union, run through the detail of your circumstances, and work out what your options are from there.

Jul 9, 2013 15:40

Normally you get suspended because you quit, but they do take into account personal situations. A friend of mine quit her job because she moved towns after a breakup and got no suspension after she had a chance to explain it to RVA.

Join a union and let them help you with this.

Jul 10, 2013 11:37

The companya agreed to the resignation and signed it. So it was voluntary. They paid me my slary plsu vacation etc... I'll look into the union but worried to come back without a job. However I needed to be there for my family so happy I did it. It is just hard

Jul 11, 2013 16:20

J, what is means tested CPAS. Basically our bills are right around my salary and husbands. So he alone doesnt make enough and we're losing money - like 2000 for June. I got a job where I am now that is helping but we are apart so want to check out options. I think I can find one pretty quick when coming back, but you never know

Jul 11, 2013 16:22