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Unjust parking ticket


I recently moved and the police gave me a temporary parking permission to put in my windscreen until the commune issued the real permit to me. Nevertheless despite this being prominently displayed in the window I received a parking ticket the other day. I suspect the people who issue the tickets are paid on commission and just try to issue as many tickets as they can get away - For example issuing 2 tickets on the same car the same day

I sent a mail to the private company that collect these tickets with a copy of my temporary permit and was told I needed to send in my real permit. Somehow I don't think this is right as what is then the purpose of the police telling me to use the temporary permit. I am afraid this company will insist on the 'real' permit which I have not yet received. This is not the first time I feel I have been unfairly ticket - on another occasion the permit was upside down and apparently this was reason enough. Have anybody got any advice how to deal with this as I feel this is very unfair

Thank you in advance for all answers


Try going to the place that issued you thee temporary permit, show them the ticket, and ask them what to do. You can take the opportunity to press them to give you the real permit. If it looks like it's going to be convoluted, I estimate that it is far less headache to just pay it and move on because in due time they will start adding penalty charges.

Feb 10, 2014 22:53

If you have registered yourself in your new commune, all you need to do is go them, pay the parking fee (carry with you the necessary papers showing that you are the owner of the car you wish to register for free parking), get the receipt and walk out. In my commune (Laeken) they don't give stickers to put on car windscreens. The parking police checks whether or not you are a resident with a special detector. Good luck with the gestapo.

Feb 10, 2014 22:54

You temporary permit is fine until you get the real one.

Yes, they do get commission, which is why they are trying it on.

It will never get past a magistrate.

Feb 11, 2014 11:07