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Unwanted e-mails


I have recently begun to receive lots of unwanted e-mails to my hotmail account. Although the messages go straight to my junk box, I find it quite irritating. I have tried to block messages from the senders but they appear to change addresses everyday. How can I put a stop to this unwanted intrusion? Can anybody suggest how I could deal with this issue?


There's very little you can do with a hotmail account once you are on spam lists. In any case, as you say, the messages go straight to your junk box. Just ignore them.
If you are using a program to access the mail, then depending on which client you're using, (Outlook or Thunderbird for example) they each have their own junk mail settings that you can adjust as well. If you only access your mail over the internet, then if you haven't already upgraded from to, you should do so.

Feb 19, 2013 18:55