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Vaccines - where to get ?


I am visiting India in two weeks and need to get vaccinated quickly.
I believe I need at least Hepatitis A, and Malaria ?
Can I just go to a hospital to get this done ?

Emille B.

Two weeks in advance is not optimal for vaccine to offer full protection.
Got to your GP , or the Tropisch Instituut in Antwerp , for decent advice.

Oct 31, 2013 23:28
Mark L-W

Visit your GP.
You may be out of luck.
I have been to India several times and the last time I was having jabs six weeks prior to departure.
Malaria normally requires pills to be taken two weeks prior.
Cholera, Rabies and others at various times.
On the other hand it depends upon how protected you wish to be.
As you are off in about ten days, do you actually have a Visa ? If not then you may have a problem.
However, speaking to those at the Indian Embassy would solve all these difficulties with their guidance.

Oct 31, 2013 23:54
fellow expat

I agree with other comments- you should visit your GP. If you don't have one your closest pharmacy can give you the contact of one closeby.

Nov 1, 2013 11:33

I just returned from Africa a week ago and I was able to get my vaccines 10 days before I travelled. For the malaria, pills are sufficient and you start taking them the day before you leave until a week after you return.

If you are in Brussels, you can visit the travel clinic:

Travel clinic
CHU Saint-Pierre
Site César De Paepe
Rue des Alexiens, 11 (1e étage)
1000 Bruxelles

Consultations après voyage uniquement sur rendez-vous
tel +32(0)2 535 33 43

Nov 1, 2013 12:56

What fantastic info here! - Site people - stop erasing great adivce like ass wholes.
Last week, I saw some info about a site where you can offer things you dont need for free - erased. Erase the Q - but safeguard the info!!!
A couple of years ago in the sites's previous life, absolutely priceless info about cancer treatment in Belgium was laid out meticulously by an xpat nurse who specialised in that area - mental physical spiritual etc. It was a comforting answer to an emotional Q. in that all was laid bare - names etc. What happened to it ? whoosh - erased!

Nov 5, 2013 15:27