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Vrederechter/Juge de Paix


Questions for anyone who has made a claim through Vrederechter/Juge de Paix:
- How easy is it to make a claim and what documentation is needed?
- Must all the documentation be translated into Dutch/French?
- Is it possible to make a claim remotely, e.g. online or by post?
- Is it necessary to be present at the hearing?
- How long does it take for a claim to be resolved?

This is regarding my last question ( I sent the registered letter to the owner and she didn’t respond (after the deadline stated in the letter, she emailed to say again that she ‘disagrees’) and I have no choice but to go to Vrederechter for my deposit.

I registered with the Huurdersbond in Antwerp but they haven’t been much help, actually the opposite.

Thanks in advance for any replies.