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Warmest 1 September on record in Belgium

08:59 03/09/2024

Another climate record was broken over the weekend, with Belgium recording its hottest first day of September since measurements began.

Temperatures reached 31.3°C at the recording station in Uccle – two degrees higher than the previous record set in 1906.

The previous record was first broken at 15.00 when temperatures hit 29.3°C, but the temperature continued to rise.

The record 31.3°C was recorded at about 18.30, according to the Royal Meteorological Institute.

Written by Helen Lyons



So the hottest ON RECORD for only the last 120 years. What about the millennia before that? History shows it's been warmer, like during the Renaissance, even though they weren't "recording" temperature measurements back then. And probably a lot warmer before we set up measurement standards after developing ways to measure things in standardized ways.

Sep 3, 2024 12:45
Calling BS

Millennia… Brussels…?
That’s such big pile of BS…
You forgot to mention when Jesus Christ was ridding dinosaurs and fighting the Roman Empire with an army of lizard people.

Sep 5, 2024 06:43