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Was I in the wrong?


I was having brunch with one of my friends at one of the more chic places in Brussels(privately operated) - I don't want to put them in a bad light, so never mind where. The final bill came to 33 EUR which I think was a decent size order for the establishment, eg. 2 full meals. In the breakfast menu it was listed that coffee was included, but when I asked the waitress if we could have a refill of the coffee(after the small cup was emptied) or we would have to pay extra for that, eg. standard rate for a coffee 3.20 EUR, she said, we would have to pay extra. I complained and said I found that a bit unreasonable if the menu says coffee is included and that I thought it was a bit cheap to refuse a refill of something that came out from a coffee dispensing machine, but she said, it is not me who makes the rules, etc, go speak to my boss etc etc. I mentioned then I actually, I had some time back been given a free refill of coffee by that very boss at this place(who was not in she said)

Anyhow the bill was settled and we left without leaving a tip. Who was reasonable here? I think that to pay 3.20 Eur for an extra cup of coffee when you have already paid for 2 full fairly expensive meals and the menu says coffee is included is petty. Any views?

PS: Fee free to flame me


"Was I in the wrong?"


Jul 15, 2013 12:27

This issue is black and white so it is quite amusing that the questions is being asked.

The shop is being reasonable. It said on their menu, coffee included and you got your coffee, so that's that. You thought you spent so much money that you deserved a complimentary coffee, so you asked for one and it wasn't given, and well, at least you tried, but I don't see why the shop has to give you one.

Yes, it would be nice if restaurants gave complimentary coffee to customers who spent maybe over a specific amount of money, but that mentality doesn't exist in most Belgian places.

It has happened to us though, in a couple of restaurants (schuman area) that we've been offered an extra coffee. Why? I have no idea.

Maybe cause we joked too much with the waiter and he enjoyed our company, Nonetheless, we were pleased but we don't go with the attitude that we deserve free coffee. If we had that attitude, we might as well stay home.

Jul 15, 2013 15:09

This is not America, refills cost extra.

Jul 16, 2013 07:25

...while good manners are completely free.
but it seems such an hard task most of the time

Jul 16, 2013 09:33

I can't help feeling that you are just bored and frustrated and not actually seeking an answer to your question. Why say feel free to flame me when you clearly have no intention of listening to other opinions?
Yes, you were wrong. You asked for a free coffee and you were refused it but you wouldn't accept the answer because you felt entitled to it.
Clearly the waitress was not in a position to say yes and you displayed very bad manners in complaining. I suggest you improve your behaviour and you'll find that others' attitudes towards you will also change.
From a personal point of view I prefer quality to quantity, and i'm happy to pay for it.

Jul 16, 2013 13:31

I never asked for a coffee refill in the first place. I do not drink coffee.

Jul 16, 2013 13:37

not only bored but confused as well.

Quote from you original question - "but when I asked the waitress if we could have a refill of the coffee"

Jul 16, 2013 14:40

I do not think you can see the difference between a B and a R.
it happens...

Jul 16, 2013 14:47

You are right, my apologies

Jul 17, 2013 15:36


The unusual heat is affecting our eye sights !

Jul 17, 2013 18:29
