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Water Allowance


Hi, I have recently moved to St Pieters Leeuw and understand that for each member of the household I receive a certain number of M3 free of water. Previously i was living in Zaventem and did not receive it there -
Is this commune dependant?
Do i have to claim it?
Does anyone have experience of receiving this allowance in Zaventem?

Many thanks


You do not have to claim it and I am reasonably certain that it is not commune dependant. I've just checked out my latest bill which comes from the 'Flemish water suppliers' which implies that it is, at least, regional rather than communal.
The free allowance is only mentioned in the detailed calculation on the bill issued each year when the final calculations are made. One of the sub-headings is 'gratis levering van drinkwater' which then mentions the number of 'gedomicileerde(n)'.
Check your old bills issued when you lived in Zaventem to confirm one way or the other.

Nov 14, 2013 10:16