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Waterloo ?


What's it like to live in Waterloo ? - local schools, property, shops, access to Brussels etc. How does it compare to Genval or La Hulpe. Any opinions welcome. Thanks.


It depends where in Brussels where you want to travel as the train lines go different ways.

Local schools pretty similar, 

Waterloo influenced by the presence of several international schools, none at all in Genval (Rixensart) or La Hulpe.

Mar 16, 2013 14:27

I suppose it's subjective. Peoples experiences will be partly based on their lifestyle requirements!

Personally I really enjoy living in Waterloo. It's a large town in its own right and has all the facilities you could want on a day to day basis. Lived in Brussels before which I really disliked because I found it grubby, smelly and not an especially happy or welcoming place. Waterloo is the exact opposite. People that work in shops, cafes etc are always smiley and friendly and helpful.

For housing look at immoweb.

You should just visit on a Saturday to get a feel for the place.

Mar 18, 2013 09:36

The traffic coming out of waterloo into the centre is mad in the morning and from the centre back to waterloo is mad in the evenings. Otherwise, it's a pretty nice place.

Mar 18, 2013 22:08