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What is the cheapest way of Insurance/Assurance company for my car


Dear Xpats, I have just bought a used mini cooper year 2004, 85KW, Can anyone advice me kindly which would be the best and cheapest assurance company suits for me please? Thank you very much in advance for your advices,


The ING bank offers a good deal on car insurance and the service, in the event of an accident, is very good. Ask at any ING branch.

Apr 23, 2013 08:13

I think you need to do your own homework by going to insurance companies or look on the internet yourself, we don't know the full spec of your car or your driving history, so I cannot see how anyone here can predict where you'll find the cheapest insurance for your case.

Apr 23, 2013 10:05

Contact an insurance broker who will do the research for you. And ask yourself why any insurance company offers cheap insurance. Because they exclude all manner of things that more expensive companies include.
Sadly, the only way to find out how good an insurance company is, is to make a claim and by then it's all too easy to find out that your 'cheap' policy was a false economy.

Apr 23, 2013 11:46

Depends on many things - do you have transferable no claims discount? When I came from UK my noclaims period from my UK insurance was taken into account.

Accident history - how long you have a driving licence and whether you want comprehensive cover or not.

Don't just use one broker - shop around - get a good few quotes before you decide as rates vary wildly; At the moment I am insured via Casier an Co brokers (and if I make no claims I get a repayment back every year!!) For my circumstances tehy found teh best prices (but I have a bundle of motor/home and family insurance)

Last time I chased around for prices ING were very good on the motor policy but the overall cost would have been higher (for me). Also no idea if they give money back each year if you have been good!)

Apr 23, 2013 12:21

COnsider Ethias. BUt like everyone else said, you need to shop around...

Apr 25, 2013 08:57

Hello Dear Friends,

Thank you very very much for your all advices, Finally i made the deal with Ethias as that was the only one assurance company was available for me (i am 26yrs, never had driven or never had a car for my own nor experiences, a typical country srilankan fellow though) But i have considered each and every single points and advices from all of you. From insurance to having the number plate, then having my parking contract on my neighborhood everything went so smooth and quick. Such a great help and now you know what i feel? Sooooooooooo happy, I've got a new car and first time driven it today yeahhhhhhhhhhhh..............

Apr 28, 2013 22:22