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What a disgrace


Been out today to discover that Belgium is still living in the 1970s, with almost everything closed and the whole place brought to a stand still. Pickets, people standing around home made fires at entrances. What a disgrace.

It's not hard to realise why Europe is crawling along, with virtually no growth whilst the rest of the World, the US, India, China, for example are trading their way out of this economic mess. We are being left behind and when we realise it, it will be too late.

Whilst I understand that people can complain, this is not the way to do it. Perhaps we are all too comfy....

Europe is sleep walking into a disaster and no one has the courage to really wrestle and sort it out. Pity. My poor kids....


I agree with you entirely. Belgium is truly going to the dogs and much of Europe is no better or even worse. Business around the World is taking note of this, as if the costs of doing business, and worse, stopping the business were not enough.

Dec 15, 2014 17:46

To make it even worse, my chauffeur went on strike as well, b*stard.

Dec 15, 2014 19:58

If you think, Nigel, that your humour is working then you are wrong and need to seek another audience. You just display jealousy that somebody might be doing better than you, ignorant of the fact he may be paying for you.

FYI the general opinion in Belgium is that Belgium is in a hole and the Unions are digging it deeper.

I sincerely hope that the strikers are eventually hoisted by their own petard. Sabena employees took great pleasure in treating their customers like an inconvenience, having little fancy dress parties while blocking the Airport for ALL travellers for all companies. Boy, they had fun while the customers cried, literally!

When Sabena went tits up, long after it should have done due to illegal Belgian State subsidies they cried like babies and hugged each other. I laughed like a drain. Payback, baby!

Sea France! Oh what a joy! If the port was blocked then it was because of Sea France! They blocked the port for all users, laughing at their customers unhappiness and quite happily making it clear that violence would be used if somebody moved a cone to get to P&O!

Now bust and all fired.

There is a pattern here, you see? It apples to Countries as well as companies.

I sincerely hope these idiots will have their summer holidays ruined as the "comrades" all over the World decide to use the same tactics. Sadly, many if not most of these short sighted fools will be working for the tax payers Dollar and will be the most protected from reality.

But you know what? The days of Belgium being the new heart of a dynamic and "place to be" EU are over. The EU is a monumental failure, the promises to be the heart of business on the Planet are laughable and Belgium is merrily sticking nails in it's own coffin.

Dec 15, 2014 22:50

on the contrary, i think Nigel's humor is very well placed.

Dec 16, 2014 12:25

Nigel - love it, hahaha.
chocjohn and mike - get a life and start living it. Rather than blaming everybody else, get out and start living. Only YOU can make your days joyful! What whingers!

Dec 16, 2014 12:34

MUM - Please re-read my post. I am certainly not whinging about my life. I have a nice life, but that isn't my point.....which is that in my opinion, Europe is too comfy and sleep walking itself into a disaster, being left behind and for future generations, this is a pity. No one seems to be prepared to tackle this which leads me to believe that others should wake up and smell the coffee because who ever I speak to are in complete and utter denial of this fact. Now, please feel free to look up the economic growth figures of the countries I mentioned and then the EU average - or even individual ones. The best performer is the UK at about 3% then there is a huge gap to second, Germany at about 1.2%.
Meanwhile, China....7% (and this is probably being unforecast), India 6.4%, The US 4.6%.
So, clearly, striking isn't the way forwards.

Dec 16, 2014 15:01

'So, clearly, striking isn't the way forwards.'
What, then, is?
(I admit that I have no idea but I don't think that letting the government treat us like dirt and just accepting it is the way forwards, either.)
What would you do if, without any meaningful consultation, your employer arbitrarily announced that your legally entitled pay rise was being scrapped and your retirement age was being put back?
Say, 'OK fine'?
And how does it make your poor kids any less poor if dad's income is reduced?

Dec 16, 2014 16:28

""chocjohn and mike - get a life and start living it. Rather than blaming everybody else, get out and start living. Only YOU can make your days joyful! What whingers!""

And this is aimed at those contesting the logic of striking? Seriously?!

Dec 16, 2014 16:44

""on the contrary, i think Nigel's humor is very well placed.""

Of course you do, you think anybody doing better than you is the enemy while they pay for your child care. They have a big Mercedes, yet you whine like a 747 on full throttle that their car is bigger than yours while ignoring the fact that they likely pay multiple times more cash in to the system than you do while you ignore the fact you and your neighbours take his money with relish.

Of course, if your comments are aimed at the tax free elite around schuman who feel paying that any meaningful tax at all is beneath them, you may have a point.

This news has gone around the world. Other news is the EU is a disaster, the Euro is a disaster, Belgium is a place to avoid on multiple levels if you wish to do business.

And now we have the Police, people who in most Countries we rely on to maintain some sort of reason and sanity who are not going to strike, they are just going to put controls in place DESIGNED TO BRING THE AIRPORTS AND PORTS TO A HALT on a pretence!

Dec 16, 2014 16:56

QUOTE - your legally entitled pay rise was being scrapped and your retirement age was being put back? Say, 'OK fine'? And how does it make your poor kids any less poor if dad's income is reduced?

...and that is why I said that this is something from the 70s. We - Europe - need to move with the global times and all of the quote is just promoting "more of the same". Attitudes have to change if Europe is going to thrive - and be under no illusion that we need to - otherwise your reduced wage will go to nothing when everything moves to India, China or the US. As for your pension, the average life expectancy in recent years has jumped up by 6 or 7 years, so to ask for 2 extra working years seems like a good deal to me. For for 2, get 5 years of pension for free. Wow. I'm happy with that.

Engagement, from both sides is what is needed and a realistic, long term view, where compromise is discovered from everyone's view point. I'm certainly not saying that this is easy to come by, but come on, stopping work, lighting fires and picketings, isn't a serious solution. (And BTW, an automatic yearly wage increase is an extraordinarily shocking concept to me)

Overall, Europe has a lot going for it. We need to play to those strengths and take on the World. At the moment - and I see no change - we are dead in the water. It takes for ever to change the course of our super tanker, there is red tape everywhere, employing people - especially in Belgium - is incredibly expensive and difficult, it is tough to set up an enterprise, it is just a brick wall attitude rather than have-a-go, let's make it easy to thrive. The tax rates are far too high (and some countries are screwing over others) and the EU is certainly running at two speed too.

Come on, Europe, we can do better than this. This is why, right from my first post, I said that I was sad. Especially, for my kids.

Let's all compromise now for a long bright future ahead.

Dec 17, 2014 10:22
