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What type of residence permit


I am a non-EU citizen in a legal partnership with an EU citizen (partnership registered in Germany in 2012). At the end of last year I have got a job in Brussels as a highly qualified worker with a contract for unlimited period. We both (me and my partner) have decided to move from Germany to live in Brussels. My partner is unemployed at the moment but already registered at the commune, has national number and waits for residence permit. The situation is a bit complicated with my residence permit. Despite all my documents are in order after 9 months of back-and-forth with the commune Bruxelles-ville I finally got my appointment to submit documents to obtain residence permit. My question is: when applying for residence permit, am I entitled for one-year residence permit as all non-EU citizens who come to work in Brussels and that needs to be prolonged each year, or being in a legal partnership with an EU citizen entitles me for applying for longer residence permit (Type F)? What are the chances to obtain it since my partner is unemployed? In case I am allowed obtaining a longer residence permit, do I need to mention that when going to the commune and what type of residence permit should I ask? Would be very grateful for any advice.


in my experience you probably be granted a temporary residence permit for one year or less. at the second renewal you'll probably be given a 5 years residence permit which would simplify your life in Belgium.

the logic behind this, is probably that they want to check that you are not a burden for the Belgian state before granting you an extensive permit.

Also note that as a legal partner of an european citizen you do not need a working permit.

at least this is what happened in my household which seem quite similar to yours in the composition

Sep 13, 2013 14:21

Thank you very much for your reply and for clarity.

I was receiving contradictory information that I almost get lost in this bureaucracy. I was also advised to apply for the F card but a person warned me that I might get refused if my partner fails to prove that he can support me financially (which is the case because the source of our income only my salary now).

thank you again so much. will keep fingers crossed.

Sep 13, 2013 14:33