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What’s on this week: 31 January to 6 February

Wiels art centre - Paulo Nazareth
17:17 30/01/2025
The art fair season rolls on with ‘affordable’ works at Tour & Taxis, while film, performance and family festivals also beckon.

WIELS’ first two 2025 shows Obstakles and Patuá/Patois feature a Willem Oorebeek (Rotterdam, 1953) retrospective and contemporary artist and global nomad, Paulo Nazareth (1977)’s work in Belgium. Oorebeek explores how mass reproduction impacts the viewing experience. He uses the human figure as a vehicle to investigate the politics of image and allure of icons. Nazareth explores two survival symbols: patois – a non-standard dialect spoken by marginalised communities and patuá – an Afro-Brazilian amulet symbolising protection and remembrance. The Brazilian artist notably addresses Brussels’ vanishing local dialect, complex linguistic divides and fraught relationship with immigration (artwork pictured). Until 27 April, Avenue Van Volxem 354 (Forest)


Its mission is to make art accessible to everyone, providing a relaxed setting for art enthusiasts and collectors to appreciate and buy a wide range of works. The Affordable Art Fair Brussels sets up its stands in Tour & Taxis from Wednesday to welcome some 90 Belgian and international galleries presenting thousands of pieces of art by more than 600 emerging and established artists. Works are priced between €100 and €10,000. 5 to 9 February, Tour & Taxis (Shed 1 bis), Rue Picard 3

TOM - Nuisibles

Dive into the world of inanimate objects that dramatically come to life in the TOM Festival, a francophone theatrical event at Uccle Cultural Centre. Suitable for all ages from six months, the three shows (including Nuisibles, pictured) offer a poetic and sensory journey in which the usually silent voices of animals, objects and nature can finally be heard. 1-5 February, Rue Rouge 47 (Uccle)

art deco

Brussels celebrates the centenary of the Art Deco style movement throughout 2025. One of its first events is the exhibition Cinémas Art Deco à Bruxelles at Halles Saint-Géry. From the end of the 1920s, cinemas were the perfect match for the innovative construction techniques and aesthetics of Art Deco. Visitors can enter this magical world through evocations of the first local cinemas dedicated to film, such as the Plaza, Métropole, Eldorado, Variétés and Cinéma des Galeries. Period images are shown alongside contemporary photographs by Marie-Françoise Plissart. Until 11 May, Place Saint-Géry


Contemporary American artist Peter Downsbrough (1940-2024), who settled in Molenbeek in 1989, is a big draw at this year’s independent artists’ print book show. To coincide with the fair, which highlights work by more than 30 creators and art schools La Cambre, LUCA and Le 75, Artists Print Xii showcases nearly 100 books that punctuated his career. Downsbrough, using minimalist words like AND, AS and AUTRE in public space and in printed matter, showed that artists’ books are works in their own right. Free entrance. 31 January (from 17.00) to 2 February, La Maison des Arts, Chaussée de Haecht 147 (Schaerbeek)


Courts Mais Trash (Cmt), Queer Mais Trash (Qmt), boasting more than 150 films by over 50 film makers, kickstarts Brussels’ 2025 film season. This vibrant festival highlights independent, underground cinema exploring LGBTQIA+ issues and original, often politically incorrect, creativity. This year, Brussels city has approved a Manneken Mais Trash costume for the famous statue. The event also features sessions including Courts Mais Super SEX and Courts Mais Super TRASH, a Bingo Mais Trash evening and After Trash Parties with Karaoke Mais Trash. 31 January to 2 February (QMT), 4-9 February (CMT), Espace Magh, Rue du Poinçon 17

all is calm

The Brussels Light Opera Company (BLOC) stages the moving musical All is Calm that dramatizes a poignant moment that occurred in the battlefields of Flanders during World War One. The spontaneous truce between enemy soldiers on Christmas Eve saw men from opposing sides lay down their weapons and share songs, stories and goodwill. Through captivating a capella music and powerful storytelling, the production offers a timely reminder of our shared humanity. 6-9 De Kam Cultural Centre, Beekstraat 172 (Wezembeek-Oppem)


Brussels’ women’s club The Nine stages two intimacy masterclasses: one for men only Unlock Her Pleasure (5  February); and one for all genders Reclaim Your Pleasure (6 February). The Art & Science of Intimacy is a transformative series by behavioural scientist Silba Staffler that combines scientific research with ancient wisdom. The men-only session breaks myths and taboos of relationships and intimacy to enable participants to better understanding of themselves and their partners’ needs, while the all gender sessions aims to deepen connection, embrace desires and reignite intimacy in relationships. 5 & 6 February 19.00, Rue Archimède 69

Amaro_Freitas3913 1 1_MicaelHocherman_baixa

Book now Flagey Piano Days For its 12th edition, this brilliant festival invites a clutch of international star names, including Sir András Schiff, Angela Hewitt and Arcadi Volodos. They are joined by rising talents for a programme aimed at all ages. From offbeat musical experiences like Brazilian pianist Amaro Freitas (pictured) to a show for younger audiences that revisits the tales of Hans Christian Andersen through a poetic fusion of theatre, singing, piano, shadows and paper cut-outs. Before some concerts, a series of Music Talks enlighten the works in an accessible and captivating way. 12-16 February, Place Sainte-Croix (Ixelles)



Asian immigration to Belgium has often been overlooked. But the Red Star Line Museum’s new exhibition Family Happiness offers a unique insight into the rich history, entrepreneurial spirit and work ethic of the Chinese community in Antwerp and beyond. Curated by anthropologist Ching Lin Pang, it tells the story of three Chinese pioneer families and their restaurants, including Pang’s own family business. The community played an important role in the introduction of non-Western cuisine to Belgium from the 1950s. Personal archives, testimonies and tew work by photographer Vincen Beeckman explore the theme. 30 January to 4 May, Montevideostraat 3, Antwerp


In the fabulous setting of Namur Concert Hall – an acoustic marvel – CAV&MA stages a series of musical shows specially for young children aged one to five. Les Natines presents AKA, written by Isabelle Florido and performed by Marie Lemot. The company Les bruits du silence recounts the story of a little girl who finds a turtle shell on which all the stories of the world are written. Tip: The venue is located five minutes from the city’s train station. 2 February 11.00, 15.00 & 16.30, Rue Rogier 82, Namur


“Sculptors and scholars, who knows anything about the stars? Who can commune with the universe?” These are the words introducing Belgian artist Panamarenko’s first collage dating from 1964. It was a question that he would continue to explore over the ensuing four decades. Antwerp’s contemporary art museum M HKA  explores his space theme in its exhibition Journey to the Stars, an intimate presentation of the extraordinary artist’s fascination with the cosmos. The show is part of Panamarenko85, a programme of events celebrating the visionary artist who was born in 1940. Until 7 September, Leuvenstraat 32, Antwerp

Discover more upcoming events at The Bulletin's events page.

Photos: (main image)  ©Paulo Nazareth (WIELS); AAF: Hotelroom 111 by Degann (MLVA Art Gallery); Cinéma Eldorado, Marcel Chabot, 1933 ©CIVA Collections, Brussels; Amaro Freitas ©Micael Hocherman baixa; ©Panamarenko

Written by Sarah Crew and Liz Newmark