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Where are the ticket inspectors?


I read in today’s Bulletin that over-65s (that’s me in 18 months, touch wood), will henceforth have to pay €60 per year for STIB passes.

This morning I travelled on the 94 tram from its terminus at Stade to Vleurgat, a 50-minute ride, during which it filled up and emptied several times. By my estimation, 75-80% of joining passengers did not validate tickets or flash Mobibs. One sweep by inspectors anywhere along the line after Bockstael would have netted enough income – after covering the inspectors’ wages for the day – to pay for a dozen or more pensioners’ abonnements.


As a discussion point -- Why should people over 65 automatically get a free transport pass? €60 is a shade over €1 a week only. (A good portion of pensioners have pensions far higher than many younger peoples income - who have to pay for their transport) If a pensioner is on a low income -- then free transport pass is a good idea.

Dec 21, 2012 18:49