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Where in Brussels to find a qualified training in TEFL?


I am considering taking a TEFL course as part of a career change.

Can anyone who has done one make any recommendations or provide any advice? Is there a recognised institution/ course?
I am Brussels-based.

Many thanks in advance.


Have you ever heard of google?

Apr 27, 2016 20:48

A bit rude, huh Shortof? I actually tried LTTB and didn't like it because it's just a giant classroom setting (guess why it's so affordable). Quefaire ended up working for me because most of the private courses elsewhere are incredibly expensive:

Apr 27, 2016 21:17

It s the only place, no it's isn't rude, it is common sense.

Apr 27, 2016 21:28

Shortof I think the question was not where can I do this BUT can anyone recommend anywhere? Can any one offer advice.
.There is a world of difference between that and what you posted, so in future read the question before you post answer stating the blooming obvious.

Apr 28, 2016 16:48

The best qualification for TEFL is CELTA. All CELTA courses are the same - a mixture of theory and teaching practice - so the intensive course at LTTB should be no different. Depending where you are planning on working, some less reputable schools may not require a CELTA, but for most it is a minimum requirement. Good luck!

Apr 29, 2016 23:02