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Who pays for the sewage pipe cleaning?


We are renting an apartment in the house with two apartments (owner of the house lives in the other apartment).
Recently the owner has bought the new washing machine and decided to clean the sewage system (outside the house) for that occasion (there were no problems observed in the sewage system before). She called company to make the works (without making any notice to us) and now she wants us to pay half of the bill, which is almost 1000 euro.
Question: does the tenant has to pay for these works if it is not indicated in the lease contract (the company which made the works indicated that our apartment is connected to the same sewage system)?

Thank you.


1/2 the bill will be closer to €500. Common scam. Tell her that you will pay your fair share of any "devis" you are presented and that you had agree to before a company was appointed to do the work. Tell her if she has chosen to do work unilaterally without formal approval according to the buildings reglement d'ordre intérieur, then she can pay for it unilaterally as well.
IIRC, sewage + outside = landlord's responsibility anyway.
You would do well to get some expert advice from or from the Office des Locataires. You can be sure this won't be the end of it.

Jul 7, 2012 21:21