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Windows 7 Frustration


I am frustrated by the way that Windows 7 opens new windows.
Some always open maximised and some normal; some open maximised today and normal tomorrow.
On the desktop, some shortcuts allow me to set how I want them to open - by right-clicking 'properties' - but others do not.
The final frustration is that I have my internet banking both on my desktop (from where it opens normal) and as a favourite (from where it opens maximised).
I consider myself reasonably computer literate but I cannot find out how to make them all open in the same way and I cannot find the answer in the on-line help - or I am not wording my search in a way that will produce a solution.
Anyone else have the same frustration and found an answer? Any other helpful suggestions, please?


Windows keeps a record of the location and size of every window when it was last opened. There are ways to clear all these settings.
The easiest way in my view would be to download a free program called ccleaner from
Uncheck every option apart from "window size / location cache" and run the program.
FYI, I have this on my windows 7 pc and run it every day with every single option checked apart from "wipe free space". In very simple terms, it cleans out rubbish from your PC. including stuff like the cache holding all the windows locations and sizes.

Aug 23, 2012 14:26