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Nocturne at the House of European History - your Fake (f)or Real experience!

House of European History
20/05/2021 from 17:00until 20/05/2021 - 21:30
20 May

Come and enjoy a fun and festive visit at the House of European history. Join the event conceived and implemented by the artists of Patrimoine à Roulettes and the museum team - be ready to lose your bearings and have a hard time distinguishing between the real and the fake, the authentic and the manufactured, the real and the illusion!

Vice Versa : Game trail

10 sphynges and sphynxes - talented manipulators of information, are waiting for you at different locations throughout the museum to ask you questions. Can you answer them? The truth seems far-fetched, the false seems more than likely, doubt is allowed and even encouraged....

"Doesn't the dancer have his ears in his toes? "* : Silent-disco

Once you have met enough sphynxes and sphynges to emerge victorious from the ordeal, come and dance to the sounds of music created by artificial intelligence while treading on the truths that are not all good to take!

*F. Nietzsche

Choose a timeslot and book your visit here.

Places are limited due to Covid-related restrictions, do not wait to register!