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Anti-fascist demonstration planned in response to election results

11:05 13/06/2024

Activists from the Belgian Anti-Fascist Coordination are planning a march through Brussels on Sunday in response to the election results, saying they are worried about the rising popularity of the far right.

Organisers said that the 23% share of Vlaams Belang voters in Flanders, "the (very) right-wing radicalisation of a victorious MR" and "the arrival of 178 far-right MEPs in the European parliament" are all cause for concern, creating a need to remind people of the dangers of fascism.

“[The election results] were the result of decades of austerity policies and the trivialisation of racism at the highest levels of government,” the organisers added.

“The accumulation of anti-social, repressive, racist and sexist measures pushes us towards a system where inequality is the rule and solidarity is pushed to the background.”

The organisation pointed to other European countries where anti-fascist demonstrations have also been taking place since Sunday following the European election results. In France, for example, the far-right National Rally scored high.

The plan is to gather at Mont des Arts around 13.00 on 16 June, Bruzz reports, then process to Place du Luxembourg. Police have already authorised the demonstration.

The organisers expect “several thousand” participants, according to Sixtine Van Outryve of the Anti-Fascist Coordination.

A first action took place on Tuesday evening in the form of a demonstration with speeches at Place De Brouckère, which attracted an estimated 1,200 people.

Other demonstrations have already occurred in the wake of the election results, with activists sharing slogans such as "No forgetting, no hatred", "F**k fascist Europe", and "Never again".

During speeches, anti-fascist activists stressed the importance of “standing together” against the rise of the far right in Europe by taking to the streets “as long as it takes”.

Photo: An anti-fascist rally in Leuven earlier this year. Ine Gillis/Belga

Written by Helen Lyons



It reminds me a story of Aesop:

A shepherd boy was tending a flock of sheep grazing peacefully in a meadow. Then he got bored and decided to have some fun. He shouted so loudly that he could be heard as far away as the neighbouring village: "Help, help, the wolf is coming!"

Jun 14, 2024 09:43

Paraphrasing the immortal Iñigo Montoya:

That word...fascist. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Jun 14, 2024 12:46

Where was this "Belgian Anti-Fascist Coordination" every time fascism showed it's ugly face?
When experimental injections were forced on people? Last time this happened, doctors were hung by the neck until dead (trials of Nuremberg)

When peacetime curfews were imposed on free people for the first time ever?

When mandatory lockdowns destroyed livelihoods and children mental health?

etc etc etc

They suddenly show their faces now, to protest against the results of democratically held elections!
It surely looks like they are the ones who are democracy hating fascists!

Jun 14, 2024 23:37