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Bill aims to make first aid compulsory for Belgian drivers

13:18 09/05/2016

Brussels minister for road safety Bianca Debaets wants to include two additional first aid lessons in the theoretical driving test. It is therefore likely that knowledge of the material will be required of anyone who wants to obtain a driving license in Belgium in the future, write La Dernière Heure and Het Laatste Nieuws.

While reforms to the process of obtaining a licence are conducted at regional levels, the final decision is a federal matter. Debaets' proposal will be discussed this week in the federal government.

The minister wants to make future drivers aware of how to react after a traffic accident, before the arrival of the emergency services. According to her cabinet, the first aid lessons have the potential to drastically improve road safety.

In several other European countries, a first aid course is already included in the theoretical driving test curriculum.

Written by Robyn Boyle