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Brussels suspends horse and carriage tours as heatwave hits city

20:39 24/06/2019

Brussels has followed Ostend and Antwerp in suspending horse-and-carriage rides for tourists, because of the heatwave.

The City of Brussels said horse rides would be suspended at least until Tuesday night - and possibly further depending on how the weather evolves.

City councillor for economic affairs, Fabian Maingain, said the decision had been made "out of respect for the animals' welfare".

He added: "News of the first tropical temperatures of the season confirmed that we need to urgently protect the horses that pull carriages around the city."

Meanwhile, Samusocial, the charity supporting homeless people in Brussels, has activated its heatwave plan.

With the support of Nestlé, the charity will on Tuesday receive 20,000 bottles of water to distribute to the city's homeless throughout the summer.

Teams will be touring Brussels during the day and night to hand out water bottles and provide a map of nearby drinking water fountains and sanitary facilities.

Anyone who sees a homeless person suffering in the hot weather can call the freephone number 0800 99 340.

Written by The Bulletin


Frank Lee

The city cares about animal welfare. A charity cares about the homeless. Maybe Fabian Maingain believes horses can vote?

Jun 26, 2019 14:39