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I am being severely bullied by my boss and head of the small company I am employed by. It has been going on on and off for years but has escalated out of control recently. There is no separate HR, no trade union. As with most bullying it is very difficult to prove and much of it sounds pathetic and stupid when taken out of context. I am exhausted, demotivated and frankly frightened. I am of course looking for a new job however in the meantime I have to stay. I can see that he is trying to build up a case to sack me for faute grave or such like. I have now joined a union but cannot get any free legal advice until I have been a member for 6 months.

Have you been bullied? What did you do?

Marky Mark

Get another job but in the meantime limiting communication to email suggestions are top.
Plus - does your telephone have the ability to record? Use it as a Dictaphone and warn him that the conversation will be recorded if he's not playing ball with email comms only...

Mar 14, 2014 12:14

Keep a diary and log every interaction that is negative. Hearsay is just hearsay.

Mar 18, 2014 11:16


It is already a good step asking for help. In case you are interested, I offer free art therapy sessions (you just need to bring your own materials, or use the one that I have for very little money). Art therapy can really help you put things into perspective and get a new view on your life. It can really help in building your self-esteem which is directly linked to depression. If you need more information check out:

Best of luck,


Jun 15, 2014 19:18
