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Consumers want to know source of meat, says Test-Achats

11:11 03/09/2014

Nine out of 10 shoppers would like to know more about where the meat they buy comes from, according to a survey carried out by the Belgian consumer organisation Test-Achats.

Under European law, all fresh meat sold has to be labelled with the country of origin, but the directive does not cover processed meat such as sausages and hamburgers. This week Test-Achats launched a campaign together with the EU consumers’ organisation BEUC called Can We Trust Our Meat?

Test-Achats argues that transparency is the basis of trust between manufacturer and consumer and is calling for the country of origin rule to be applied to processed meat.

“In a little over three weeks, the European Parliament will be questioning the commissioner in charge of the issue,” said Test-Achats in a statement. “The voice of the consumer has not yet been heard on this issue, so we want to turn the tide and make origin labelling the norm.”


photo courtesy MJ/Wikimedia

Written by Alan Hope