Content by tag : animals
Environmental organisation Leefmilieu Brussel is urging residents to do some animal spotting in the capital, and to take photos of the wildlife with their smartphone.
Belgium’s federal parliament has removed foie gras from its restaurant menu at the request of Flemish nationalist party N-VA.
Anyone who observes a case of animal abuse or neglect in the Brussels-Capital Region can now report the crime online.
A total of 2,678 dogs were reported missing or stolen in Belgium in 2014, 8.5% less than the previous year. It is the first decline in 10 years, reports Het Gazet van Antwerpen.
One chicken can process about 50kg of household garbage annually.
There are several places where you can pick up a pet, namely pet shops, shelters and breeders.
Mechelen animal park Planckendael could be welcoming the arrival of a new baby elephant as early as this weekend, the park’s management has announced.
Agriculture Minister Joke Schauvliege has announced a new measure for the protection of purebred dogs.
The federal government has imposed an order on professional poultry farmers to keep their birds indoors or, if they are allowed out of doors, under nets, federal agriculture minister Willy Borsus