Content by tag : animals
Earlier this week, the European Commission presented the findings of the Epilobee study, the most comprehensive research project ever on the mortality of cultivated bee colonies in Europe.
At the start of the Easter holiday on Saturday, Planckendael animal park in Mechelen will open its new ‘Penguin Promenade’ to the public.
For the eleventh year in a row, a pair of peregrine falcons has taken up nest in the tower of the St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral in the centre of Brussels.
A team from the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) led by gynaecologist Thomas D’Hooghe, is performing tests on 20 baboons at the Institute of Primate Research in Kenya.
The fossils belong to a common ancestor of dogs, cats, bears and other carnivores.
Wild animals will no longer be able to be part of circus performances in Belgium, the federal parliament has voted.