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Content by tag : Belgium

Campaigns against domestic violence

Lockdowns around the world are bringing a rise in domestic violence as households are forced into permanent cohabitation.

Coronavirus Belgium Brussels Airport-Belga

The federal government is meeting today to discuss the risks of the spread of  coronavirus in the country after two people diagnosed with coronavirus were reported to have travelled through Belgiu


Twelve Belgians have been repatriated from the Chinese city of Wuhan following the coronavirus outbreak and will spend a fortnight under medical surveillance.

King cake Epiphany

The seasonal feasting is not over. Bakeries across the land have replaced their yuletide logs with King cakes, galette des rois (in French), Driekoningentaart( in Dutch).


Some found love and started a family. Some got into a new hobby or moved up the career ladder. Some took French classes and some just slowed down.


From 1 January, residents across the country will experience a raft of changes, from bank charges and beer prices, to postage stamps and doctor’s fees…


Gusts of wind of between 70-80km/hour could blow across the country on Tuesday afternoon, warned the Royal Meteorological Society (IRM) on Monday.

Champagne and sparkling wine holiday season

No other sound rings in a festive gathering than the pop of a cork. Sales of Champagne and sparkling wines are currently fizzing as shoppers make last-minute purchases for the holiday season.
