Content by tag : Belgium
Few countries are more complicated to explain than Belgium, with its many governments, parliaments, languages, regions and identities.
Fresh from their world champion win, the Belgian men’s field hockey team pummelled Spain 5-1 to take home the European cup at the weekend.
Belgium is ranked 23rd out of 164 countries in water scarcity, the third highest in Europe outside of Cyprus and San Marino.
King Philippe of Belgium has updated the royal coat of arms - a first in 119 years.
In a similar picture to the rest of the country, Sunday’s election for the 75-seat Walloon parliament saw the main parties all suffering a considerable dent in their support.
Belgium isn't famous for its sunshine - but the first week of January was even greyer and gloomier than usual, with just 19 minutes of sunlight.
Just when you thought the feasting season was drawing to an end, bakeries across Belgium are filling up with almond pastry confections to celebrate Epiphany.
The Tour de France in Brussels, Belgian elections and Brexit. 2019 is already gearing up to be a busy year. Here are just a few events to look out for.
1. Employees should see their net monthly pay increase between €23 and €31 because of the "tax shift".