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Content by tag : Brussels


The walls of Brussels are covered in art, from decorated facades and strip cartoon murals to street art and creative graffiti. There’s something to see in almost every part of the city.


About 1,500 people dressed in white joined the funeral procession in Brussels on Wednesday for Mawda Shawri, the two-year-old Kurdish girl killed by a police bullet during a high-speed chase.


The renovation of the Reyers tunnels entered a new phase on Monday, prompting major traffic disruption on the E40 approach into Brussels.


The flower carpet on the Grand-Place is the most reproduced image of Brussels around the world.


Getting around Brussels will be a bit more difficult this Wednesday because of a strike and demonstration called by most of the major trade unions against federal government pension reforms.

Apéros Urbains

The organiser of Brussels' Apéros Urbains has gone into liquidation, after 12 years of organising open-air afterwork parties.


The Port of Brussels has opened a new passenger terminal for river cruise ships, with the goal of trebling the number of cruise daytrippers visiting the city by 2030.
