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Content by tag : crime


The Belgium federal police just released figures that show that 54 people per day are robbed on public transport.


Six prison guards were injured on Sunday at the prison in Forest, Brussels, when a prisoner lashed out with a knife.


The driver who hit three pedestrians on Sunday near Place de la Monnaie in Brussels was released on condition that he undergoes psychiatric treatment, the investigating judge ruled on Monday.


An apparent hostage-taking situation in Ghent yesterday was invented by the young man who reported it, the Ghent public prosecutor has revealed.


Police in Marseilles have detained five people for questioning in connection with the shootings at the Jewish Museum in Brussels last May, which left four dead.


A 38-year-old Moroccan man was sentenced on Friday by a court in Brussels to 27 years in prison for arson in the Rida mosque, the largest Shia mosque in Brussels, in March, 2012.


The number of armed robberies in the area of Brussels City and Ixelles/Elsene is on the decline, with 49 incidents so far in 2014, reports


In the first six months of 2014 there were 226 home-jackings in Belgium, double the amount reported in the same period four years ago.


About 50 organisations and companies in Belgium have joined together to form the new Cyber Security Coalition.
