Content by tag : healthcare
Being ill or having to go to hospital ranges from mild worry to a life-shattering experience.
A system to anticipate the impact of high-cost medicines and help negotiate more affordable prices has been launched by Belgium in co-operation with eight other European countries.
Adult ADHD Support Group
English-speaking group providing information and support.
02.731.77.03, 0495.16.16.55
Consult your commune, health insurer (social worker service) and social assistance centre (CPAS/ OMCW).
You don’t need a referral from your GP before you approach a psychiatrist, psychotherapist or counsellor, but you’re advised to onsult first with your GP.
General practitioners (médecin/ huisarts) are found in private practices or attached to clinics and hospitals. You can consult with whoever you choose.
Belgium has a wide choice of hospitals and clinics with around 140 public and private general hospitals managed by universities, religious organisations, health insurance funds or social welfare o
Most vaccines are provided free but your paediatrician will charge for the consultation.