Content by tag : police
A campaign by the police and the Belgian Road Safety Institute (IBSR/BIVV) to encourage Belgians to identify possible spots to place speed cameras has been a resounding success.
Yesterday the federal police launched a campaign inviting citizens to go online and tell the police where they see a need for speed cameras.
Two officers of the railway police were arrested on Friday and held in detention over the weekend on suspicion of mistreating a homeless man.
Belgium’s federal police’s FAST team set a record last year when it apprehended 325 criminals on the lam.
According to news reports, dozens of people living in Belgium have been subjected to a major fraud worth upwards of €100 million.
According to the latest figures, burglaries are keeping Belgium’s police extremely busy with an average of 208 reported incidents each day across the country.
New figures show that Belgian cities of over 100,000 inhabitants spend more than three times more to finance police services and public welfare centres (CPAS or OCMW) than communities with less th
Police officers in training are now obliged to follow a series of classes offered by the Kazerne Dossin Memorial, Museum and Documentation Centre on Holocaust and Human Rights in Mechelen.
Flanders' mobility minister Hilde Crevits wants to begin talks on lowering the drink-driving limit in Belgium from 0.5 mg to 0.2mg alcohol per 1,000 millilitres.